Peter G. Raeth


Original Publication: Advanced Technology for Developers, Jun 93






While trying to maintain research funding, it is necessary to reckon with the differences between the major groups. These two groups are technology producers and technology users. There is an obvious symbiotic relationship between these two groups. Yet, a dichotomy sometimes exists between producers' personal and business standards and users' needs. The producers' standards can prevent fulfillment of user needs or cause loss of user confidence. Thus, the dichotomy can lead to a decline in funding to the producer community. Technology users potentially provide substantial funding relative to producer peer groups or philanthropic sources.


This article will discuss the dichotomy between producer and user standards and offer some solutions. From three years of experience in giving talks on this subject, the author is aware of its controversial nature. It is not easy to hear the things to be said. However, be aware that the author is speaking as an active computer research scientist working for a major technology producer. In such an environment, the scientist has to make and advise on funding decisions, determining where research dollars go to solve specific problems. These decisions affect projects for both in-house and contracted research. From this perspective, the scientist acts as a technology user. Also, the scientist has to provide applicable research products oriented to user needs. This places the scientist in the role of technology producer. As you can see, the author has had to act as the link between producers and users, playing the role of each. So, understand that this article is based on personal experience and observation. It is the author's way of speaking with you colleague‑to‑colleague to convey some hard lessons learned and to offer an insight into how technology users and potential funding sources think.





The dichotomy between producer and user standards is due to a difference in their definition of "success". Producers make choices based on the goals of individual research projects or on the goals of technology development. Users make choices based on corporate objectives and the profit motive. Do not fool yourself into believing that non-profit and government organizations do not think in terms of profit. It is just that their units of measure are different from those of traditional businesses. Some different units of profit measure might be:


a)  # aircraft returning from high-risk missions

b)  # poor credit risks not taken

c)  # additional people housed

d)  # additional bushels harvested


The standards dichotomy has results that are not always good for either producer or user. It is important to remember that funding usually comes from a user need for applications and solutions. Producer-oriented projects do not always meet those needs. So, funding can dry up due to lack of identifiable value in a project's resulting products. For the purposes of this article,  "product" refers to whatever resulted from the research project. Research products include theory, computational techniques, software/hardware, mathematical models, reports, and papers. The result of the standards dichotomy can be fewer and smaller opportunities for funding. But, this results in no research products for users, no solutions to problems, and no new applications. This results in a loss of market competitiveness. Note that this result affects both producers and users. If the user is not competitive, there will be no continuance of the activity that produces funding in the first place. Don't forget that the user provides the producers' funding. It is interesting to contemplate the downward spiral that results both on an individual business and on a national basis. One has to think world-wide here since America competes with other nations. The bottom line is that this downward spiral is not good for producers or users.





The author has observed six major areas where a dichotomy exists between the business and personal standards of technology producers and the needs of technology users. The six areas are:


          1)  education

          2)  language/hardware suites

          3)  communication with appropriate parties

          4)  approach to marketing

          5)  user need satisfaction

          6)  too early declaration of solution achievement


Each of these areas will be discussed below.





Education should not be reoriented to training. There is a great tendency for N-12 schools to attempt to prepare their students for jobs that will not exist when they finally graduate from college. A great mistake is to focus young students' attention on devices, such as computers, in an attempt to "maximize the use of scarce teacher resources", to "prepare students for the high‑tech world", or to "improve eye-hand coordination." Lost in these efforts is the foundation needed for new learning. Education is not the same thing as job training in some trade craft. Teaching fundamentals is hard, compared to, for instance, teaching someone to express simple ideas in some odd syntax such as used for computer programming.


The focus of education should be on comprehension, expression, and objective thinking, not on devices, such as computers. Schools cannot renege on their responsibility to lay the foundation for future learning. An early misfocus on devices causes three problems for students' later efforts to engage effectively in the professional world:


1)  they get a wrong impression of priorities


2)  they know how to do things but cannot determine what things to do


3)  they become untrainable since they do not have the background or mental flexibility to learn new concepts

and skills or to adjust to changing environments and requirements


An important point missed by many such students is that employers typically hire because they believe the employee can evolve with the corporation's environment and continually meet corporate goals. People are hired because of corporate goals, not because of computers or any other "device." 


A particular danger exists for those of us who go on to become computer professionals. It has been my personal experience that computer people tend to focus on the computer and some technique or language as central. This misfocus causes a poor employment environment. There are many companies that do not hire people degreed in computers because of a perception that such people focus on computers instead of, and sometimes in denial of, corporate goals.


The dichotomy here is that technology producers tend to focus on how to make the computer do things while technology users tend to focus on what things to make the computer do. Producers are concerned with technology itself while users are concerned with the goals to which technology is applied. The lesson is that sustained research funding results from a focus on user goals, not from a focus purely on technology or "devices."  Advancing an area of technology or having the latest "device" is not necessarily the same as meeting a technology user's requirements. Be careful not to let mistaken priorities diminish your opportunities for sustained research funding.





Always deliver for the user's environment. Language and hardware suites that are good for research and technology development are not necessarily good for implementation in a user environment. One big mistake is to deliver your product on esoteric hardware written in an esoteric language and then claim the product can be translated. While considering the various options, it is not useful to insist that the contract does not specify a language/hardware suite.


An example is DOD sometimes needing Ada for embedded systems and development projects being written in Lisp, Prolog, C, or some other non-Ada language. Users know that translation is a high-risk affair and very costly. Examples abound of successful research projects that did not make it to implementation because of the high risk and cost of translating to the user environment.


Lack of implementation causes loss of research credibility. The money available to research and development increases the closer you get to implementation. Figure 1 is a notional illustration of this concept. In the government environment at least, the funding available to basic research does not approach that available to implementation research. It is important to pass from one phase of research to another to take advantage of the funding curve. A major issue in passing from one phase of research to another is the manner of implementation. If the implementation is not fit for the user environment, it stands less chance to pass through the various phases (basic, applied, implementation).


Figure 1.  Availability of research funding



As you can see, the dichotomy of producer suites vs. user environments can cause funding loss. Developers who try to jump from one prototyping contract to another have taken a short‑term view that prevents them from grasping the golden ring of research funding. Consistent funding is achievable if they take a longer view and deliver quality products that encourage follow‑on work.





Always put the user in touch with the product, remembering that you are communicating with users and not with your peer group. In this, you must forget self-pride and write to develop the users' understanding of the background and employment of the product. Make sure you relate the product to the objectives of the user. Who funds your projects?  Be honest, is it your peers or the user community?  You must maintain credibility with those who fund the project. Writing for peers is beneficial but only after the user has been taken care of.


The dichotomy here is caused by the ego being at variance with the users' need for understandable information. This author knows of too many researchers who take pride in writing material no one can understand. This is useless and leads ultimately to funding loss. Control over pride is essential for successful communication between technology producers and their users.

You should always provide something understandable in the way of documentation despite what the contract calls for. Remember to talk outside peer group boundaries. Discuss related mathematics, putting the equations in a form useful to the next phase of research or application. Explain the implications of the research results, using language others can understand. Be conscious of and avoid terminology that is obscure to those in a broader audience. Explain ideas not usually grasped intuitively by those outside the specific research area.


Know that technology users are intelligent but their focus is on applications and not on the details familiar to technology producers. Users are often just as surprised at the lack of producers' application knowledge as producers are of users' lack of detailed research knowledge.


Here is an example of what can happen when these lessons are forgotten. A research group had worked very hard on a difficult project that permitted them to deliver sophisticated hardware to their funder's implementation laboratory. However, the hardware was accompanied by documentation of only a page or two. Neither the documentation nor the data plate on the equipment had the research group's name, address, phone, or the equipment's purpose. Time passed and a new implementation team took over the project. They could not discover the purpose nor the operation of the delivered hardware. Ultimately, the equipment was discarded. The user lost money. The producer lost opportunity. This was not a good situation for either group.


Be keenly aware that understandability affects funding. If the product cannot be understood, it will not be used. If the product is not used, no value is perceived. If value is not perceived, expect follow-on funding to be zeroed.





The big trick here is to avoid the over-sell/under-deliver trap while ensuring continued funding. In order to get new work funded, the developer over-exposes (over-promises) the work's potential. But, in the glare of reality and short timing, the potential is not realized. At this point, the sponsor gets frustrated and cuts or stops funding. Developers should not forget that sponsors have deadlines and quotas to meet. In the author's experience, it is better to expose potential only in so far as it can be realized in a given period of time. Do not promise the moon and deliver an ant hill.


The over-sell/under-deliver trap is laid in a manner illustrated by Figure 2. This figure shows that expectations of technical achievement rarely meet reality. A problem is that developers' tend not to recognize the reality that all technologies have a limit to their usefulness, to the number and types of problems that they can solve. Other missed points include realities such as limited funding and equipment as well the emotional momentum of past methods.


Figure 2.  Laying the over-sell/under-deliver trap



Generally, technology producers tend to over-expose the potential of new technology thus achieving unreliable funding. Users tend to react better to an under-exposure of the potential of new technology. This reaction often ensures a block of reliable funding. Let's look at what happens in a little more detail and see what can be done.


First, there are three terms that need definition. These terms will be used in Figure 3 and Figure 4.


1)  exposed potential: what is promised as the achievability of the research project in terms of user objective



2)  realizable potential: what is actually achievable


3) expected funding line: the level of funding expected from over-sell/under-deliver and under-sell/over-deliver

marketing strategies


Figure 3 shows the over-sell/under-deliver funding expectation. Note that funding is very choppy because user expectations are far from satisfied, causing uncertainty about the exposed, but unrealized, potential. Just as the development project gets to the point when something great could be accomplished, the user gets frustrated and cuts the funding back to levels too low to support significant advancement. The result is unhappy producers and users. Since users provide funding, this is a situation to avoid.


Figure 3. Expected over-sell/under-deliver funding line


Figure 4 shows the under-sell/over-deliver funding expectation. This is the author's preferred approach to R&D marketing. A project's potential should never be exposed to the level that it can be realized. In this way, user expectations are always exceeded. This keeps the funding at a level appropriate to the realizable potential. Funding tends to be available when most needed and not spent too early in the research program.


Figure 4.  Expected under-sell/over-deliver funding line





Always replace 100% solutions with 100%+ since new technology must fulfill 100% of the old requirement plus a meaningful percentage of future requirements. It is not wise to attempt to introduce a new technology that forces users to give up past capabilities. The user need satisfaction dichotomy derives from the producers' desire to create something new vs. the users' attempts to maintain current capability while positioning to provide for future requirements.


Figure 5 illustrates an example. Technical standards used by most developers to judge some learn-by-example methods measures time and resources taken to learn 90-95% of the training set. Reaching 90% accuracy is considered a success. Training to 100% accuracy is considered over-trained, causing loss of generality. This standard does not address what to do with the other 5-10% if each example in the training set represents an important aspect of the actual task specified by the user. These aspects cannot be incorrectly dealt with by a generalization heuristic due to the criticality of the situations represented.


Figure 5.  Learn-by-example training of adaptive systems



The general theme is that users must continue solving present problems while ensuring total solutions to future problems. Producers must step up to the necessary technology merge for total solution to take place, not deliver a partial solution and leave the rest to the users.


Another dimension of user need satisfaction is the rate at which objectives are met, or the timing of objective satisfaction. This is illustrated in Figure 6. Research credibility with users does not start to grow until the user begins to be satisfied with project results. When users have to wait too long for satisfaction, their wallets close. Whenever you start a research project, whatever the contract calls for, ask yourself, "What beneficial thing can I deliver to the user in the first week, month, 3 months?  What short-term good can I do for the user relative to the objectives?"  Of course you are laying plans and starting actions for long term results but don't make the user wait until the end of the project to see some good from the funding. The end may come sooner than you think. Always have something to show for the resources used. Some credibility exists due to past reputations but don't try to ride too long on your wake. Credibility (and, thus, funding) goes quickly to zero if results are not forthcoming. Remember, users fund results, not brains. Smart people who get no results are legend. Don't let yourself be typecast with this lost crowd.


Figure 6.  Credibility increases as objectives are met





Producers tend to declare solution achievement at the theoretical level whereas users need solutions at the practical level. Thus, producers tend to achieve solution satisfaction long before users do. To avoid this trap, remember that solutions must be:


                    a)  understandable

                    b)  usable

                    c)  available

                    d)  accessible

                    c)  supportable

                    d)  repairable

                    e)  maintainable

                    f)  updatable


Producers must actively work on these elements when dealing with users or no solution exists from the application point of view. To get the right focus, it is necessary for the producer to overcome the dichotomies discussed in this article.






This article has not been about technology push vs. requirements pull. In actual practice, technology's advancement occurs best when there is a balance between push and pull. Users and producers, working by themselves, tend to cause an imbalance. Producers should push technology to give users new opportunities. Users should challenge producers to develop the technology necessary for meeting complex objectives.


By being knowledgeable about how users think, it is possible to achieve sustained research funding. To increase the chances of sustained research funding it is necessary to know your user, know your user's goals, and to make sure your research products meet your user's goals. In this way, value is perceived and the resources needed for future technology advancement are more likely to be available.