An Offer to Speak

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Peter G. Raeth  Contact

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"What They Needed to Hear"

That is a comment often said after one of my talks on successful careers. In one form or another, I have given this talk to students from senior grade school through senior undergraduate, including faculty and staff.

Another talk that gets the same comment is on the delta between technology producers and users. How that delta affects funding for research and development is an important part of that talk. This talk has been given at several conferences.

Many young students want to know why they have to study math. A third talk concerns the mathematics behind predictive anomaly detection. It is geared toward advanced-placement high-school students. This talk encourages their study of complex subjects by showing the relationship between simple arithmetic and a very useful and practical application.

Should you like a talk given at your organization, feel free to write to me. No fee is requested, just travel and per-diem expenses.

If you are hosting a job fair and want a flyer to hand out, feel free to use this one. It points the attendee to this website and its content.


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