Goal-Setting Worksheets - Goals Write the Future in Advance |
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Having clear and specific goals, with milestones along the path to achievement, is essential to career success. Here are three brief worksheets to help you record and specify your goals. These worksheets are used together. I highly recommend that you copy and paste these worksheets into a word processing application, such as Microsoft Word, Word Processor or Notepad. Adjust each outline in print preview to have each outline on it's own separate page to create your worksheets and finally, print them. For those of you who do not know how to do that please stay tuned. Below, I have provide you instructions on how to copy these outlines and paste them into a word processing application. If you are experienced with copying and pasting into a word processor, then at this time, please proceed to the worksheets below. Instructions for copying and pasting these outlines into a word document application : Step 1: Adjust your pointer arrow so that it is at the beginning of the first goal-setting outline. Click the mouse so that the blinking cursor is at the left of the first word of the goal-setting outline. Step 2: Click the left button on the mouse and hold it. Make sure the cursor is still at the left of the first word of the goal-setting outline. Still holding down the left button on the mouse, drag your mouse down the screen. You will notice that the words are highlighted in blue. This is the region that you will copy. Still holding down the left button on the mouse, bring your pointer to the last word of all of the goal-setting outline. At this time let your finger up on the mouse button. Now you will have a blue highlighted region that you want to copy. Step 3: Anywhere in the blue region click the RIGHT button on the mouse to bring up your scroll down option window. If you do not click the RIGHT button on the mouse or perhaps you have lost the blue highlighted section. Repeat steps 1 & 2 to get the blue highlighted section again and then commence with step 3. Step 4: Open up a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or or Notepad. Any application that will allow you to adjust each outline for printing. Step 5: It's time to paste the information you highlighted into the word processing application. Any where on the screen within the blank new document, click the button on the RIGHT of your mouse to bring up the drop down window again. Now you will see paste. Click paste and you would have pasted the information you copied earlier. Step 6: Adjust the each outline to fit on their own page. You can do that by finding the end of the first outline and pressing return until the second outline is on the next page. Do that for the rest of them. Step 7: Now you can print. First check the print preview, which is under the File tab in the application. Preview it and make sure that all of the outlines are on their own page and then print. You now have your goal-setting worksheets. If you are experiencing issues with copying and pasting these documents into your word processor feel free to email me and I will send you the full documents of each goal-setting outline. Other than that, make each goal count. Here are your goal-setting worksheets: =============================================================== S.M.A.R.T GOAL WORKSHEET Today's Date:______________ Target Date:_______________ Actual Start Date:_______________ Date Achieved:______________ Celebration Date:_______________ NOTE: this worksheet is to get you to think a lot about your future and keep that "spark" about you. Goal:____________________________________________________________________________________. Verify that your goal is smart. Specific: What exactly will you accomplish? What results do you want to see? Want do you want to see happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Achievable: is achieving this goal with effort and commitment? Have you the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Relevant: Why is this goal significant in your life? Why do you want to see this happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Time-Bound: When will this goal be achieved? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. =============================================================== RPM GOAL WORKSHEET NOTE: this worksheet is to speed up the process of achieving your goal and to refresh your memory of what your goals are and why you chose them. Results - what do you want to see happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Purpose - why do you want to see this happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Massive Action Plan (MAP) - what do you have to do to make this happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. =============================================================== GOAL WORKSHEET NOTE: this is the goal in it's final form. This worksheet is to be hung up in your room, above your desk (right above eye level) and on your bathroom mirror so that you can review your goals every morning and throughout the day. It is essential that you review your goals EVERY morning. I would suggest you get a frame for the one above your desk. NAME:____________________ DATE:______________________ SHORT TERM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. MID TERM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. =============================================================== Now, in order to prevent outside influences and distractions get yourself in a quiet, clean, and orderly place. A place to write your dreams down. Picture what it is that you want to happen and picture all of it in it's entirety. Imagine you doing it. Every detail. Imagine the faces smiling and cheering you on when you have accomplished your goal. Image people giving you high-fives and standing ovations because you are THIS person or you are THAT person. Keep in mind that these goals are what you wanted to see in yourself. What you wanted yourself to be. For instance, a teacher, a police officer, or an entertainer. Maybe you want to lose weight, gain weight or become more spiritual by joining a yoga class. Maybe you wanted to be a better father or mother or friend or co-worker. Maybe you wanted to become a mountain climber and climb the highest mountain or become a sailor and sail across the pacific. What ever it is that you want to become and do, you now have the tools and strategies to be able to create your goals with thoughtfulness and take action. Besides yielding a measure of success, achievement of these goals will also help you sharpen your tools and your tools must stay SHARP. What tools? Your mind. Not only do you need to physically exercise but you also need to mentally exercise and you can do that by goal-setting, reading, and studying. Make each goal count. Best of wishes to you. ===============================================================